Independent authors should know that importance of building their online brand publicity for their books. After the manuscript turns into actual pages of a book, authors should learn the importance of investing in different platforms and strategies to effectively promote and market their book.
This is where online publicity comes in. Modern writers should focus on building their presence online through a dynamic website as well as through social media. As the world continues to transform and innovate ways in the digital age, independent authors now have more ways to get their books and share their stories out to the world.
There are countless ways to make use of your online brand publicity to lift your book off the ground and reach out to a global audience through a dynamic website or social media. It just takes a good amount of creativity and innovation to effectively pull it off. Here are a few good reasons why a getting a website is worth-investing for independent or self-published authors.
Create an online presence
Among the different ways of publicity strategies, a dynamic website is a flexible option. Look at it this way: your website will become the official place where your fans can get more information about your book, the events you will be taking part in, future releases, blogs, book teasers, and many others. It’s a perfect avenue to have a solid resource where you can interact with your readers.
Connect with your readers
As you build your online publicity, you will be able to hear what your readers have to say about your book. Besides that, making yourself approachable is one way of being directly connected to your readers and showing that you care for them. Other than your website, you will get to tie in your social media accounts which greatly increases your accessibility.
Share more stories and insights
Creating a dynamic website means that you can share more wisdom and knowledge to your readers through blogging. It’s a great place to connect with your readers more, share your new work, talk about your future engagements, and many more. This opportunity further proves that there really is a need for writers to have a website.
Sell your book
Finally, building a website serves a great purpose for self-published authors: selling their book. With online book retailers such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble, authors put up their listing through their channels. However, selling your book through your website can also be one way to drive in more book sales.
The Bottom Line
Keep in mind that, while creating an online presence will greatly help you and your book, it takes time to build your website and make effective and persuasive content. Remember that your website will serve as your home or your hub, therefore, you have to carefully put it all together.
With the ReadersMagnet Online Brand Publicity package, self-published authors will surely have a trustworthy partner in creating their website and letting it reach to a global audience. Other than that, authors will find more ReadersMarket Marketing Services that will help promote their book and touch more hearts.
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I’ve encountered a lof of good books with a not-so satisfying website. And all I can say is it definitely influences yoru perception of the books.
Agree. More than the book, it also affects the author’s credibility.