Readers Magnet Review

Mission & Vision


ReadersMagnet Review is a repository of various stories and interests reviewed by ReadersMagnet. In line with our commitment to sharing stories with the world…

The Importance of Attending a National Book Fair

Attending a national book fair content distribution can be a rewarding experience for self-published authors who want to make a name for themselves in their chosen genre.

Helping Kids Understand Big Ideas Through Stories

Helping Kids Understand Big Ideas Through Stories

 A silhouette of a boy reading under the tree. | Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash Have you ever wondered how to teach children complex ideas in a way they can truly understand? How do you teach them topics that are beyond their reach yet? Of course, there will be a...

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Running with Purpose: How Life and Marathon Are Alike

Running with Purpose: How Life and Marathon Are Alike

Runners in the marathon are usually running with purpose. | Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash Life and a marathon share more similarities than one might initially realize. Both journeys require running with purpose, endurance, and determination. In a marathon, you will...

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Faith In Times Of Despair: Finding Jesus When Hope Is Futile

Faith In Times Of Despair: Finding Jesus When Hope Is Futile

Image by jcomp on Freepik “My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want.” Jesus’ time in Gethsemane shows people that He, too, is capable of experiencing an overwhelming sense of grief and anguish. It serves...

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