Readers Magnet Review

Mission & Vision


ReadersMagnet Review is a repository of various stories and interests reviewed by ReadersMagnet. In line with our commitment to sharing stories with the world…

The Importance of Attending a National Book Fair

Attending a national book fair content distribution can be a rewarding experience for self-published authors who want to make a name for themselves in their chosen genre.

Tips to Avoid Dementia: Reducing Your Risk of Getting It

Tips to Avoid Dementia: Reducing Your Risk of Getting It

Photo by freepik There are many tips to avoid dementia that not a lot of people know about, and we hope that in this article, people can be introduced to some of them. Warren A. Patton, author of Dementia Help Guide Vol 1, is well aware of how painful having someone...

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Spiritual Conviction in Times of Struggles and Oppression

Spiritual Conviction in Times of Struggles and Oppression

Photo by Pixabay In a world that often challenges our spiritual walk. The Holy Scriptures gives people hope toward a fairer and kinder society. Many people turn to Holy Scriptures for guidance during tough times, and perhaps even to stand for human dignity against...

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America Tonight with Kate Delaney: Baby Jane by Greg Bruorton

America Tonight with Kate Delaney: Baby Jane by Greg Bruorton

Greg Bruorton sat down with Kate Delaney to talk about his book on “America Tonight with Kate Delaney.” Kate Delaney of “America Tonight with Kate Delaney” invited Greg Bruorton, author of Baby Jane, to share the story behind his book and how he came up with the idea...

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