The first half of the year 2019 proved to be productive. ReadersMagnet was able to publish a good number of books. For the Children’s Books category, ReadersMagnet was able to provide publishing and book marketing services to five children’s books authors. The result is the eight published books for the first 6 months of the year. Here are ReadersMagnet’s published children’s illustrated books:

Brightly, the Grounded Angel by Gay Sizemore Sauer

Brightly, the Grounded Angel tells the wacky adventure of a one-winged angel named Brightly. Because of his lightning speed, he was the envy of other angels who reported on him. Their Chairman dismissed Brightly and sent him on an assignment on Bethlehem. With his beautiful voice, Brightly realized his purpose here on Earth- to soothe and comfort newborn babies. Gay Sizemore Sauer’s book is both funny and carries lessons along the way.

Jo Jo’s Adventure by Joyce Nealy

Joyce Nealy’s animal adventure book is a refreshing read. It tells the story of JoJo, a pet parrot. He lives in a large cage inside the Family home. He often dreams of going outside the cage and experience what it’s like to run around the house and roam outside just like Sparky, the Family dog. One day, his wish came true and was able to unlock the cage. What follows is an adventure and a decision that JoJo wholeheartedly makes.

The Circus Has Left Town by Curtis Booher

After the success of his first book Pumpkin Patch, Curtis Booher brings to the amazing world of the tightrope walkers, jugglers, clowns, magicians, elephants, and the whole circus act. This picture book is about a group pf children recalling happy memories of a traveling circus. They recall the performances- bears on bikes, stunt girls on galloping horses, roaring lions, and elephants raising the big top tent. It’s a bittersweet recollection of a childhood experience.

My sister, My Friend by Sophia Blankson

Sophia Blankson tells the story of her happy childhood growing up with her sister in West Africa. This 24-page picture storybook features the author’s personal appreciation of having a sister and how they different yet share mutual respect, love, and care for each other. The author also shares her view about siblings and family bonds through the beautiful illustrations provided by her niece, Sophia Opoku. My sister, My Friend is light but touching read.

The Helium Heels by E. Dorinda Shelley

Helium Heels tells the story a family of baby ghosts. They first appeared in Shelley’s book The Helium Egg. This time the clever baby ghosts decided to play a prank on sleeping donkeys and paint their hoofs with helium red paint. This resulted in the chaos that has all the farm animals cheering and joining in the mayhem, seeing the floating donkeys and dancing around the pasture.

The Helium Egg by e. Dorinda Shelley

Prior to the events of the Helium Heels, there was the Helium Egg. The Helium Egg tells the story of a little black hen who discovered a soft blue egg. This weird little egg has the ability to float and expand. All the animals in the barn including the cats, dogs, ducks, sheep, and even the donkey had to weigh it down to prevent it from floating away. Overall, The Helium Egg is insanely fun.

Turtle Tales by Heidi Lynn Studer

The Turtle Tales is a unique illustrated children’s book. It tells the 40-years history of Perham International Turtle Racing. It is an informational book field with pictures, illustrations, and trivia about this unique animal sport. The story is told by Squirtle the Turtle, who is also Perham’s mascot.

Turtle Tales 2 by Heidi Lynn Studer

The sequel to The Turtle Tales tells the story of Perham’s resident mascot, Squirtle the Turtle and his adventure of going to a true-to-life field trip. This time he is joined by his audacious friends Turbo Tripp, Henrietta Hare, Ellie the Encourager, Ryker Raccoon, and Chetley Cricket. Turtle Tales 2 promises to be happy and unforgettable.

ReadersMagnet is a self-publishing company that offers publishing and book marketing services. They also offer children’s book self-publishing packages. You can contact ReadersMagnet Self-Publishing at their office number: (619) 354 2643 Toll Free Number: (800) 805 0762 Fax Number: (661) 338 1442 or email them at [email protected] for more details.