ReadersMagnet Review looks at the essential list of things to prepare before heading out on a great outdoor adventure.

With the global pandemic slowly in control and travel restrictions easing up, many of us are excited to go out and explore the great outdoors. It’s been almost two years since Covid placed us all at a standstill. For the first time in hundreds of years, international travels were banned, borders were closed, and the whole world quarantined in their respective shelters. Now that things are getting back to normal, one of the many things we cannot wait to embrace again is the freedom to travel and be out again. Some are already eyeing international flights, some are preparing for interstate trips, and there are those eager to enjoy nature and plain outdoor adventures. Some cannot wait to go on hunting and fishing trips. Books like Mike Honeycutt’s World of Hunting and Fishing inspire many people to go on hunting expeditions and explore the great wild. That is why ReadersMagnet Review decided to feature a refresher on the essential things to prepare before heading to your fantastic outdoor adventure. Enjoy!

Carriers and Containers

First things first, outdoor travel requires carriers and containers for supplies and provisions, and other necessities. It’s important to choose the proper bags and containers to carry with you. Consider the number of days, the distance, and the terrain you are heading towards. Outdoor adventures usually require durable backpacks for easy carrying. In some cases, duffle/canvass bags with dual shoulder straps will suffice. When wheeled suitcases or containers may come in handy, most outdoor trips involved rough terrains not ideal for these types of baggage.

Health and Medical Kits

Safety is paramount in every trip, whether it’s a short excursion or camping for days in the mountains or national forests. Since most outdoor adventures are far from hospitals or neighborhoods, you must prepare your own health and medical supply kit. Insect repellants, plasters, dressings, safety pins, bandages, sterile gloves, scissors, alcohol-free cleansing wipes, thermometer, skin rash cream, antiseptic cream, painkillers, anti-allergy creams or tablets, distilled water for wounds, and eye bath or eyewash are just some of the basic items that should be in your kit. Of course, it would largely depend on the location of your target adventure.

Provisions and Supplies

Food supplies and safe drinking water is essential in every trip. Some prefer canned goods or food bars, but it is also important to stock fruits, meat, vegetables, and other nourishments. Bottled water is important, but equally important is to scout for safe water resources. You can’t just carry that much water, and water is needed for food preparation, drinking, washing, etc. Other essential supplies aside from medicines are toiletries, clothing, sleeping supplies, utensils, and tools. Again the items and the bulk of your supplies would have to vary depending on your location, the number of days, and the activities you plan for your stay outdoors.

Safe Shelter and Lighting

Many outdoor adventures nowadays involve renting cabins and properties in remote areas. Some have carries who also serve as guides to camping posts. These cabins and posts are most likely equipped with everything you need, from utensils, beds, heating systems to other domestic comforts. But for those who prefer DIY camping or outdoor stay, it is important to secure a safe shelter, whether it’s a tent or hammocks. It is important to stay warm and protected from insects, snakes, and other animals. Lighting is also important, especially when in the deep woods. Heavy-duty flashlights, emergency lights, waterproof matches, and other lighting devices are all essential. Producing fire is one of the most critical aspects when camping outdoors, as fire provides heat and protection.

Communication Devices

Communication devices and other emergency equipment are as important as shelter ad provisions. Many outdoor camping areas and parks are protected and monitored by local authorities, forest rangers, and local communities. Still, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared, as many of these sites are remote. Smartphones with GPS are now common; some can afford satellite phones. Some basic equipment includes maps, compass, torch lights, whistle, flare guns, and two-way radios. It is also important to let local communities and sheriffs know that you are in the area. Again, safety is important, and being out in the wild outdoors will require you to have communication devices that can point and identify your location in case of an emergency.

May these five simple reminders help you on your future outdoor adventures. Always remember that every trip’s success is determined by careful planning and how well you are equipped. Good luck!