Patti Ann Harter, author of the new release A Sacred Fulfillment On Christmas Eve (Amazon, 2021), was featured on the most recent episode of America Tonight’s “Author’s Corner,” where Kate Delaney interviewed her. The interview begins with the author’s journey to write her book, which recounts her recollections of meeting Marion Hume, a developmentally disabled elderly lady evicted from her HUD apartment, and Patti’s powerful commitment to helping Marion in her time of need.

This mystical experience changed her life forever; it changed her perception of how she viewed life, and it confirmed for her that peoples’ lives reflect their beliefs. Therefore, if people want to change it, they can transform their experiences in this world by changing their minds.

America Tonight with Kate Delaney featuring Patti Ann Harter.

Knowing Patti Harter, and why she wrote her book?

While spending much of her time as a volunteer advocate, Patti Harter earned her living as a discounter for the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA – the white-collar Boeing Union). As a sponsor, promoter, and spokeswoman of long-term health care, she has worked with the Sisters of Providence and the ARC for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. She has also volunteered her services with the National Indian Child Welfare Association. She moved to Eastern Washington and initiated a dog rescue program upon retirement.

And, most recently, she published A Sacred Fulfillment On Christmas Eve, a true story that talks about Marion Hume, who had a limited 60 IQ and was asked to leave school at age 8 when she could no longer keep up with the curriculum, as Patti explained to Kate. However, her mother did such an excellent job of raising her to care for herself that most people believed she was not disabled. As a result, she often lacked the necessary supervision she required after her mother passed away. 

“This is a true story about a real Christmas Miracle that took place on Christmas Eve in Seattle, Washington in 1995. It’s court-documented, and it’s all about a mother’s love transcending the boundaries of death and the fulfillment of her “improbable requests” for her daughter’s end-of-life arrangements revealed in the last will never presented to the author until AFTER her requests had already manifested. 

How she came to write her book begins with when she was attending a church in Seattle where she volunteered to help a senior citizen who was developmentally disabled. At the time, she was also working as an independent insurance agent, specializing in long-term care insurance. When the church’s minister called volunteers to help senior citizens find new housing, she was very happy to volunteer for the work. Still, it turned out to be a much more complicated situation than she expected.

“Marion Hume was the name of the person who was looking for new housing. She was 77 years old, and she had been evicted from a HUD apartment in Washington, forcing her to move to a neighborhood on the other side of town,” Patti said. When Patti met her, she insisted that she hadn’t done anything and that she had been falsely accused, which led to her eviction. She just wanted to go home. She kept saying, “I wanna go back home” to Ballard, Washington.

Before Patti took the job, she had been informed before their meeting that Marion was developmentally disabled, and she observed that she was distressed because she was away from her familiar surroundings. “She had trouble adjusting to her new surroundings, it’s as if she was a lost child,” she told Kate. Although she did make some attempts to find housing in her area, there was no housing available, and there was a long waiting list instead that would take forever to find Marion a home.

Since Marion wanted to go back home, Patti decided to contact her old residence. 

“So, rather than ignoring her proclamation, I decided to contact her old residence and look into the matter myself.”

Sometime later, she had a return phone call from the investigator from HUD who was on temporary assignment with Marion and “…his name of all things was Mr. Ballard, that’s the same name of the neighborhood where Marion used to live. Talk about a coincidence! He said he wanted to see her right away and came by to hear her story. After visiting her, he didn’t believe she was the resident described by the manager, so he decided to investigate what happened but found nothing that could have bothered other residents, including her day-to-day activities, so the eviction was overturned. 

Long story short, the investigation revealed that Marion had no problems while living in Ballard, Washington. Patti joined Marion to persuade the court that, despite her condition, there was nothing wrong with her. “She did so well in court that day,” Patti added, “that the judge and social workers were convinced she was fine and that, despite her developmental disabilities, could still do the day-to-day activities her mother taught her as a child and was highly functional.”

“What do you hope people take away from reading it?” Kate asked. 

On Christmas Eve, 1995, I felt guided to take Marion Hume to the Candlelight Service at Seattle Unity Church. Unbelievably, this was the EXACT LOCATION REQUESTED IN A LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT WRITTEN MANY YEARS EARLIER requesting HER FUNERAL WAS TO BE HELD of which the author was unaware. SECONDLY, (and the last request) was that Marion be buried, not cremated. When I became Marion’s guardian, her Trust Fund was used up, and she was on Medicaid who only allowed $250 for final expenses. However, the organist at the church, who was an attorney, filed a claim against the former Health Care Agency who neglected Marion for so many years and had liability insurance. When I “accidentally” found a receipt for Marion’s gravesite her mother had purchased, there were sufficient funds remaining to pay $1,000 for the burial plot Interment to avoid cremation.


This book helps you understand that a Divine Power is in charge of this world transcends the human condition. The real Power and Glory rule this planet and the Universe, not humanity alone.  

A Sacred Fulfillment On Christmas Eve by Patti Ann Harter is a captivating story that has snagged readers’ attention left and right, and it is highly recommended for readers to add to their reading list for 2022.

Suppose you want to learn how a victim can become a victor. In that case, Patti Harter’s book is a must-read for anyone interested in true stories and miracles that result from one person’s powerful commitment to helping someone in need. Interested? Grab your copy today at Amazon.