Dr. Eric Alsterberg is a professional psychologist and author of the spiritual book Healing and Transformation.

Healing and Transformation: From Ordinary to Extraordinary book by Dr. Eric Aslterberg is a unique spiritual book that blends spirituality with psychology and hopes to help readers heal from their past traumas and emotional wounds and transform them into better persons. Today, ReadersMagnet features its author, Dr. Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. 

Dr. Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist from Michigan State. For the past 32 years, he has been a practicing clinical psychologist. Dr. Alsterberg has spent many years working with various age groups, from young kids to adults, treating emotional problems as well as substance abuse problems.

Over the years, Dr. Eric Alsterberg has blended metaphysical and spiritual in his psychological approaches when he sees fit. Alsterberg performs clinical hypnosis with some clients, including memory regression. Alsterberg also introduces “vision hypnosis” to several clients. Vision hypnosis enables clients to communicate with dead relatives, angels, spirit guides, archangels, or Ascended Master.

As a metaphysical explorer he hosts healing circles twice a month, focusing on how to help humanity and Mother Earth move toward ascension. He is certified as a Teacher with the Rocky Mountain Mystery School. He also participates with the Astara Mystery School. He practices Reconnective Healing I/II.

Dr. Eric Alsterberg also spends a great deal of time mentoring others on spiritual teaching and metaphysics. He is an active member of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (the Edgar Cayce Foundation) and the Reconnection, Eric Pearl healing technologies.

Dr. Eric Alsterberg currently provides custody and parenting time evaluations and interventions for a local Court. He also performs counseling and evaluations for our elders in nursing homes and treats clients at an outpatient clinic focusing on various clinical issues.

Healing and Transformation

“We have a spiritual ego and a psychological ego that keep us trapped in dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior. The spiritual ego promotes separation, differences, and spiritual pride that becomes the antithesis of walking a true spiritual path. The psychological ego prevents us from healing the emotional wounds and traumas we experience in life, preventing us from creating a path of joy, seeing harmony and unity in all, and progressively learning to walk the spiritual path. Ultimately both ego prevents us from increasingly choosing who we are and who we want to be, moving beyond the illusions of separation and limitation, and toward unity and spiritual transformation, or ascension.” (excerpt from the book)

Published in 2019, Healing and Transformation: From Ordinary to Extraordinary, is a spiritual book that deals with the art and process of spiritual healing. Psychologist Dr. Eric Alsterberg combines psychology and spirituality in providing a tangible guide to readers on their way to spiritual healing. In this book, Alsterberg emphasizes the importance of controlling our ego, acknowledging our past, letting go of our prejudice, and learning to forgive those who have wronged us. According to him, we are all spiritual beings with human experience and as such we must learn to balance our spirituality with our physical encounters.

Using anecdotes, stories, and other references, Healing and Transformation impart lessons on how to heal and nourish the spirit. Dr. Alsternergs explores the relationships and attitudes and helps enlighten the readers on the true meaning of masculinity and femininity as well as grander ideas for healing. The book provides an essential guide on how to handle behavior, overcoming past traumas and emotional wounds to have a more positive outlook towards life. For Dr. Eric Alsterberg, the only way to achieve a balance between spirituality and human experience is to practice unconditional love and learning to forgive others. By extinguishing hate and other forms of conflict, we can truly heal and be a better version of ourselves.

Other Works by Alsterberg

In May 1991, Dr. Eric Alsterberg published Life Is An Adventure: A Guide to the Path of Joy. The book combines psychology, philosophy, metaphysics and spirituality in helping readers explore and understand the basic truths in achieving a life of joy and fulfillment.