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There is no quick magical fix to one’s ailments. There is a path through that returns you to everyday magic.

Sometimes it can feel as if your wisdom is a long way off or something you must work hard and acquire over a lifetime or even lifetimes. From the point of view of experiential mindfulness and meditation, however, you can start connecting to your innate wisdom. That is the knowledge already present in humanity right now. So how do you do that?

From Unconscious to Conscious. Meditation, from one point of view, is to be experiencing something and to be aware that you are experiencing it.

Innate wisdom does not mean that you always know precisely what to do in any given situation. It means being awake of the problem, knowing you are there and feeling alive within that moment. If you are conscious of what is present, you will bring whatever knowledge you have to the table to ‘solve’ whatever presenting problems. If there is no presenting problem, you can enjoy being awake and grasping what the moment offers. You can go from being ‘asleep’ unconscious and ignorant in one moment to being ‘awake’ in the next. It is simply a matter of becoming aware or conscious of what you are experiencing. To awaken in this way means you give birth to your wisdom at that moment. It needs only a second!

Rediscovering The Wisdom Of Human Nature

Humanity has long suffered (unknowingly, innocently) from a mistaken belief that runs so contrary to human nature that it obliterates human life’s natural trajectory. Thus, human life unravels not directed by feelings but according to the dictates of an artificial order imposed by institutions. Humankind discounts their instincts as mere remnants of an animal past. And they ignore the awful results—loneliness, endemic anxiety, and “lives of quiet desperation.” Shupe authored Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature—How Civilization Destroys Happiness, hoping it will reawaken one’s inborn wisdom. Regaining your natural sense of purpose, order, and belonging will not result from better plans, behavior, or intentions but from allowing only feelings to give people access to their souls’ wisdom. 

What Readers Are Saying

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature by Chet Shupe is an insightful, honest, and intriguing read about the impact of civilization on inner peace and happiness.” — Scarbaby.

“I see this manuscript becoming a highly praised philosophical read that will be enjoyed by anyone seeking to understand the madness of our civilization.” —Rasheedah Hakeem.

Have you ever wondered what consciousness is? Can you tap into the wisdom provided by your feelings? Did you know that you are under the subjugation of moral laws that force you to ditch your spiritual obligations?”—Centfie.

“I would humbly recommend this book to those who, like me, have always felt unmoored from life and have never understood why.” —Anjellina.

Author Profile

As a whistle-blower to the world, Chet Shupe speaks with urgency about the need to rediscover the people’s connections with their nature if they are ever again to experience the contentment of sisterhood and brotherhood that is humanity’s natural heritage.

Chet Shupe is an electronics engineer with severe Attention Deficit Disorder for much of his life. When he was forty-three, his condition was finally diagnosed, and he began treatment with Ritalin. Suddenly, life made sense. As a result of that extraordinary experience, he began writing on brain dysfunction to provide a conceptual framework for medically treating the brain.

As a result of that effort-combined with his professional knowledge of system control theory, the subject soon changed from brain dysfunction to cultural dysfunction. He realized that the brain could not find lasting contentment, nor can it produce behavior that serves its species when functioning in a reality that it does not comprehend emotionally.