The great poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said that music is humankind’s universal language. It is proven beneficial in various ways, especially for babies who enjoy lullabies the most. Lullabies are especially useful for inducing sleep in young children. Besides helping children sleep, lullabies are also great for kindling good memories and inspiration. Gabriella Eva Nagy’s “Twinkling Stars” is an excellent example of a lullaby.

Words for a Perfect Lullaby

Lullabies mainly refer to quiet, soft songs designed to lull children to sleep. These calm, rhythmic, and soothing songs aid in transitioning babies and toddlers to a tranquil state. Parents can hum lullabies to their children or sing the lullaby lyrics.

Gabriella Eva Nagy’s book features a lyrical lullaby that vividly describes the beauty of nature. Nagy’s lullaby is composed of 12 lines that kids and adults alike will truly enjoy reading. If one would look deeply into its lyrics, Nagy’s imaginative song encourages readers to dream and marvel at the beautiful world around us. From celestial bodies to the rich flora and fauna around us, Nagy skillfully laced these natural wonders in her work. She made use of descriptive words which are easy to remember and understand. These make the song easy for parents to remember and perform for their beloved babies.

The contents of “Twinkling Stars” surmounts lessons only children can appreciate. Adults often forget to stop and wonder at the marvelous nature surrounding them. “Twinkling Stars” will take grown-up readers to an endearing moment of miracles and innocence. It is short, intimate, and wonderfully melodic.

In Nagy’s book, readers won’t find complex words, characters, or narratives. It is reasonable as lullabies don’t have to be complicated. A lullaby’s lyrics, as well as its tune, must be simple. Simple lullabies like “Twinkling Stars” are good for moms and their kids.

Nagy didn’t provide or suggest any tune for her lullaby. Although other readers might find it an excellent addition to the book, I find this appropriate. Its absence will give parents or guardians the freedom to sing the lullaby in whichever melody suits them best.

Generally, the words of Nagy will surely bring a smile to someone’s face and some sunshine to someone’s rather dark and gloomy day.