Photo by Amaury Gutierrez

Clinical lycanthropy (also known as Lycomania) isn’t often talked about because of how rare and violent the people experiencing it are—so much so that the best thing normal citizens can do is to avoid those who are endangering others.

Edward R. Lipinski, author of WEREWOLF ON MADISON AVENUE, is a master at portraying the sheer monstrosity of werewolves while adding a dash of humor to his book. Mr. Lipinski also has another book, Visions of Destiny, but we’ll be talking more about WEREWOLF ON MADISON AVENUE today, along with the fascinating and horrifying face of Lycomania.

Ready your silver bullets and silver swords and join us as we take a dive into the rare world of Clinical Lycanthropy.

What is Clinical Lycanthropy (A.K.A. Lycomania)?

Clinical lycanthropy is a novel diagnosis in psychology that relates to the sensation of feeling like or becoming a vicious werewolf. Although the disorder is uncommon and poorly understood, it has been linked to substance misuse and mental illness. Clinical lycanthropy has no known cure, although medication may lessen several of the symptoms.

Is Lycomania a Real Disorder?

It has long been disputed whether or not clinical lycanthropy is a legitimate condition. There are people who think it’s just a delusion and people who think it’s a legitimate mental illness. Similar to how some people believe they have the power to see the future, like the one in Edward R. Lipinski’s other book titled Visions of Destiny.

Now, there’s no question that some individuals genuinely believe in their feelings of being legitimate werewolves. Patients might exhibit every sign of lycanthropy, notably the conviction that they are capable of changing into wolves or other animals. They might even have tangible proof, like scars, from the places they think they’ve changed.

It is equally undeniable, though, that a large number of individuals who mistakenly think they are werewolves are merely delusional. The belief in lycanthropy might only be an outward sign of an inherent mental health issue, as delusions are frequently seen in mental illness.

What is the conclusion, then? Is there such a thing as clinical lycanthropy? Most likely, the answer falls somewhere in the middle for these werewolves in psychiatry. While many people who think they are werewolves are probably just deluded, it’s also possible that some people have the illness.

Common Symptoms of Lycanthropy

Although clinical lycanthropy has not yet been understood, its symptoms (both psychological and physical) have been recorded. Among the physical signs are:

  • Insomnia
  • Excessive hunger and thirst
  • Heightened awareness of light and sound
  • Unexpected, abrupt shifts in weight
  • Night terrors or nightmares
  • Irritability and agitation
  • Hyperactivity
  • Unexpected, inexplicable changes in appearance, like hair growth or loss, brittle or longer nails, and textural changes in the skin

How We Can Treat Lycanthropy?

Lycanthropy presently has no recognized treatment. Nonetheless, some therapies can aid in managing the illness.

Medication is usually used as the initial line of treatment. Various psychiatric drugs, including mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics, are effective in treating the signs of lycanthropy.

Apart from medicine, therapy may also be beneficial. People with lycanthropy have found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is very helpful in managing their symptoms. CBT can assist patients in learning more effective coping mechanisms and life-improving techniques.

Be On the Lookout for Lycomaniacs

The concept of clinical lycanthropy is fascinating and multifaceted, posing significant psychological problems. There exists proof that indicates that this syndrome occurs and may be the source of various psychological disorders, even if it is still extensively unexplored.

Know more about werewolves and such in Edward R. Lipinski’s book WEREWOLF ON MADISON AVENUE. If you’re looking for something different away from the werewolf genre, then Mr. Lipinski’s other book,  Visions of Destiny, is what you need. Visit his website at

Don’t forget to read our other articles, too, and understand werewolf fiction as a theme in young adult novels!