Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Suffering is a part of living, but there is a grey area we must look at to see the bigger picture and find out if resiliency is a virtue or a vice. 

Humans are often celebrated for their remarkable fighting spirit that can endure, adapt, and triumph over adversity. And when we scroll through stories of victorious individuals who have risen above their seemingly insurmountable challenges, we are captivated instantly. It gives us the boldness to embody the essence of resiliency.

However, as we explore the intricate relationship between resiliency and romanticization, we uncover a strange paradox that begs us to reflect on the difference. Resiliency is a quality that is notoriously revered and admired. It represents the inner strength to withstand hardships, bounce back from falling apart, and recover from setbacks.

Forging ahead after all the crashes and burns a person has garnered somehow encourages people to romanticize resiliency. But how far is too far?

When Is the Right or Wrong Time for Romanticizing Resiliency?

Ideally, we should all strike a balance between unbeatable human strength – at the same time, acknowledging the essence of vulnerability, self-care, and communal support born from shared experiences.

In a world where being a force to be reckoned with is praiseworthy, we must seek to challenge conventional notions like romanticizing resiliency. Examining its various dimensions and implications through real-life examples would initiate a meaningful dialogue on what it truly means to be resilient.

Is there a point when romanticizing resiliency might unintentionally dismiss the depth of pain and struggle that people face?

Can an excessive focus on resilience perpetuate unrealistic expectations or discourage seeking necessary support?

These questions signal us to delve into the heart of the matter, dismantling preconceptions and embracing a more nuanced understanding. Life may come with challenges. However, a more appropriate response should be charting a path toward an authentic and inclusive appreciation of the human experience.

Celebrating resilience and potentially overlooking intricacies

Romanticizing resiliency is a complex terrain. Some may think of it as a more compassionate and holistic approach to human suffering in all its forms. Although there are those, who might disagree. Here’s why.

The thought behind enduring struggles in life lies in the concept that being “strong” and “positive” despite the hurdles is commendable – until it’s not. There is a time and place for celebrating people’s resiliency, especially when individual strength is needed.

However, such a mindset becomes poisonous when it starts to trivialize suffering. It allows those in a privileged bubble to think that everything will be alright and solvable with a change in mindset. Now that is wrong in many aspects.

Challenges in life serve as a lesson for us to learn from. We might never grow and overcome them if we don’t choose to get up and get it over with. Everyone would’ve been victorious if a positive mindset were enough to overcome challenges. Sadly, that doesn’t make us acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Romanticizing resiliency dismisses the hardship of others

We live in an age where playing the part of a charitable person is easier with cameras around. Particular basic needs have become a privilege more than ever in this economy, and thinking that it’s okay to suffer while lacking access to them screams toxic.

Masking resilience as creativity bears a similar danger to disregarding other people’s suffering. It helps those in power to escape accountability and not do anything. Romanticizing resiliency is a one-way ticket to incompetence, and we must take action on what needs to be changed.

Envison1t with Monique Johnson

 In 2021, a visionary in the form of Monique Johnson came up with Envision1t to give Americans hope and a brighter future. Using tools and resources to launch her journey and advocacy, Johnson offers support systems for various sectors of society.

From youth building and empowerment and sociopolitical reforms to business training, Monique Johnson’s desire for a better society is summed up in goal setting, personal development, and overcoming life’s challenges.

Envison1t is a multifaceted organization that allows participants to explore their creative selves, enabling them to express themselves freely. Regardless of your disposition in life, Envision1t cares for every individual’s well-being improvement.