So, you’re an avid reader, and you read about two books a month, sometimes even more. You might be reading for leisure and even for entertainment. But, if you’re reading because you don’t have the energy and motivation towards life, then these books are for you. Instead of reading books to distract you from reality, you might as well read books that will push you into action. ReadersMagnet choose the best among millions of books to encourage you to improve your life and reach greater heights. Check the books below and start your growth journey.
What A Time To Be Alone by Chidera Eggerue
Eggerue’s book is filled with stories from her life, teaching you of your worth in visual and colorful ways. What A Time To Be Alone will be your life, guru, confidante, and best friend. With this book, you’ll be able to navigate the modern world and decide your own fate. Chidera uses a three-part approach to do so filled with sass, wisdom, and charm. Chidera peppered this book of Igbo proverbs from her Nigerian ancestry. Her words will touch the deepest part of your heart and make you realize many things about your identity. It is read like that of a love letter to her mother, herself, and anyone who’s ever felt they aren’t good enough.
The Other Side of Fear by W. Veronica Lisare
W. Veronica Lisare was one of the many people out there who had a rough life. She was a victim of abuse, had an unhappy childhood, went through loveless marriage and divorce, lost a beloved family member, and battled cancer. All of these traumatic experiences have caused her crippling fear and low self-esteem. However, this did not stop her from embracing the ultimate love of God. The Other Side of Fear: My Journey Into Perfect Love by Lisare is a testimony that will inspire one to move through the challenges towards God’s perfect love and the other side of fear.
A Year of Living Kindly by Donna Cameron
Kindness can do many great things; that is what author Donna Cameron wants to convey in her book. This kindness she speaks of is not limited to others but also to yourself. Cameron believes that kindness is the easiest thing one person can do, but it can be hard to be kind when all buttons are pushed. A Year of Living Kindly utilizes stories, observations, a touch of humor, and summaries of expert research by the author herself. She commits 265 days of practicing kindness and the results it brought her life afterward. She explores further to spread light on the effects of kindness.
The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday shares a method to turning obstacles into opportunities in his book The Obstacles Is the Way. Holiday is a media strategist, marketer, and successful entrepreneur. Basically, he’s successful and he shares how some of the most successful people in history became successful. He hopes to uplift readers who are feeling stuck, frustrated, or unmotivated. The book draws inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Along the approaches found in the books, dozens of true stories are shared to inspire readers of every age and era.
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek’s Start With Why is a long, but worthwhile read about his opinion as to why starting with why is everything. He firmly believes that people are inspired by a sense of purpose or their “why.” And according to the book, this is where greatness begins. He explores the lives of famous personalities like Martin Luther King, Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers and their WHY. This book will show readers how leaders who’ve had the most significant influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way. This powerful idea is called The Golden Circle, which Sinek further discusses in his book to inspire readers to have their own why.
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