Putting your spiritual and emotional health is the first step in cultivating an open, upbeat outlook toward every new day. In these trying times, our spirituality can help equip you to look for the beautiful moments and past the ugly ones. Fortunately, there’s always something that can help you get through it all. The books below illustrates how spirituality manifests in our lives, telling personal stories of those who turned to their faith to find meaning in their lives. Read the following books on our list and let powerful wisdom shape your attitude, and watch the world become a more beautiful place, day by day.

Letters from the Farm by Becca Stevens

Letters from the Farm is a collection of the author’s thoughtful letters on reflecting on listening, celebrating the purple in lavender, and appreciating the stillness of both nature and soul. This work speaks with a fierce tenderness and extravagant trust in God’s endless mercy. She invites you to look for the bounty and beauty growing all around in order to find the presence of God. Becca Steven’s words would ring with authenticity and sacred breath. And like a friend writing you letters of hope and love. Letters from the Farm are written for all who long to cultivate deepened faith.

Hearts-Ease: The Beautiful Truth by Lynn Roberson

Simple and from the heart, Lynn Roberson’s book on soul healing helps you find your way home to rest. She highlights how God is the true source to finding your way back home, while also easing your heart and finding rest. Each page of the book guides you to seeing the world anew, treasuring wisdom that can be found from recognizing the power of the heavenly Father. Lynn’s words sings out the promise of healing for everyone who allows God to enter their hearts. Hearts-Ease is a book you will return to again and again. Find meaningful insight after meaningful insight in here.

Echo of the Soul by John Philip Newell

John Philip Newell finds that the human body, like creation, is actually the welling place of God, which he proves in this remarkable work. In this book, he reaches new depths of spirituality. He illustrates how our most ancient texts challenge modern assumptions about love, beauty, sexuality, learning, wisdom, power, responsibility, and bridges the body and spirit divides. The book shows a fascinating approach to thinking about the way God’s characteristics are reflected in the human form. Echo of the Soul is an insightful book and much needed within the spiritual realm of ideas.

Simpler Living, Compassionate Life by Henri Nouwen, et. al.

From five amazing minds, Simpler Living, Compassionate Life is an essay on the spiritual power of an uncluttered life. Both a compilation and study guide, this remarkable collection of the spiritual sides to consumption unfolds with every contribution. This book is aimed to help you get more out of life and experience a more fulfilling existence. It will make you reevaluate your whole life, with lots of attitude adjustment to consider. The lessons are brief but meaty which many will find the quality of the discussion rich. This book is a creative series of essays dealing with many ways in which your life will be enriched with “simpler living and compassionate lives.”

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a modern classic, universally admired work from the famous Paulo Coelho. This work of fiction tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. However, embedded the story is a wise and inspiring lesson about the pilgrimage that life should be. Some may find this book a good piece to escape reality and others find this a reality; nonetheless, the Alchemist is a highly recommended reading for those seeking a new outlook on life.