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Learning the foundations of marriage will help any couple realize and appreciate what makes marriage a lovely gift that’ll make their relationship better.
Similar to discovering the most important keys to a healthy and happy marriage, knowing the foundations of marriage is absolutely necessary. One of the best authors that can help you in this endeavor is Angelo and TJ Haygood, the authors of their book How to Build a Successful Marriage: 39 Activities to a Healthier & Happier Marriage.
Join us as we take a look at some Biblical foundations that every marriage should focus on!
1. Building a Strong Marriage Means You Are Committed to Jesus Christ
Your solid marriage basis is your initial love, Jesus Christ. There can be no other basis on which a connection honoring God can be constructed.
When your marriage is based on Jesus, it can weather even the worst storms. He is the cornerstone of your faith and the source of your salvation. Prioritizing your love for Him means that all other relationships are based on His Divine qualities, and His love provides you with the tools you need to love your partner most healthily.
Your marriage foundation won’t have the enduring power it needs if Christ is not at its core. As the Lord stated to the Ephesian church, “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.”
This verse reminds us to keep Jesus as our first love. It reminds us to put Him above everyone else, even our spouses. Everything else in a marriage is based on this fundamental tenet.
2. Marriage Essentials Is About Being Committed to Sacrificial Love
Paul’s teachings about husbands can be found in Ephesians 5:25–30. Although the selfless love described in these words is difficult to practice, it is a love that is prepared to go above and beyond to respect marriage and exalt God. Husbands should take care of their wives emotionally, physically, and spiritually to love them as much as they love themselves.
Here are a couple of foundations of marriage you can take note of:
- Love your spouse the way that Christ loved the church.
- Wash her clean by the Word’s cleansing power.
- Show her off as dazzling and holy.
- Love her as much as you love yourself.
- Take care of and feed her.
Though some may find this list patronizing, it’s a lovely word image of a caring relationship modeled after Jesus’ compassion for the people He came to save. Angelo and TJ Haygood can share a lot about sacrificial love and what it entails. They can also offer great tips on how to build a good foundation for marriage, which can help spouses have a great marriage.
3. Strong Marriage Pillars Need Commitment to Submissive Love
The phrase “submission” often elicits a tight, resistive response in women. Regretfully, this originates from Eve’s initial temptation within the Garden of Eden. She was probably aware of which trees in the garden were off-limits since her husband, Adam, had advised her to do so after God had forewarned him in Genesis 2:16–17.
The idea that ladies should submit to their husbands is seen as archaic, weak, and even savage in today’s society. Regretfully, this is a grave misinterpretation of Biblical matrimony and God’s exquisite concept of submission.
Consider this: obeying your husband in a way that pleases the Lord is evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit inside you. The same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead! God’s design views surrender as tremendous strength from God Himself, not at all like weakness.
Ephesians 5:21 in the Bible states, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This reciprocal submission shows that the couple is operating as a unit out of mutual respect.
Apply These Foundations of Marriage to Your Relationship
Every builder knows that a structure cannot weather and last throughout the years without a solid foundation. Wives and husbands can create a beautiful and long-lasting marriage based on these three pillars of steadfast devotion to God and one another.
Be sure to click here to purchase a copy of How to Build a Successful Marriage: 39 Activities to a Healthier & Happier Marriage by Angelo and TJ Haygood. Check out our other articles and learn the core aspects of marriage that every loving couple needs to know!