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In her life experiences and lessons on My Journey Into Perfect Love, Lisare encourages her readers to put their faith in God’s plan. To others, it may seem like nothing is happening. But God moves in ways unnoticed.

Throughout their lives, people seek to achieve their goals. The longer they live, the more they desire from the world. Whether physical or something more, people constantly attempt to attain their goals and satisfy their needs.

One of these is to belong, to find the mutual love and connection they deserve.

People want to be loved and nurtured. From the moment they were born down to their last days, they desire nothing more but the company and love of others. However, not everyone can have this happy ending. To end up in the arms of someone who genuinely loves them isn’t an easy target.

With millions of people divided by lands and waters, searching for the right person is strenuous. Strenuous may even be an understatement.

Finding the Right Person

Given its demanding nature, numerous people have ended up broken-hearted and giving up on this quest.

But for religious people, giving up isn’t an option. Besides their effort in looking for the right person, they also have someone to help them. Some devout Catholics or Christians have God to rely on for guidance.

While it may seem like nothing is happening regarding their love life, God is constantly working behind the scenes. He may leave trails and clues for people to catch on and be led toward their person.

For instance, as reflected in the life experiences and lessons on My Journey into Perfect Love, Lisare writes how she overcame life’s challenges through her faith in God. Through her story, she also encourages her readers to trust whatever God has planned for their lives and leave it all to Him.

To anyone seeking God for guidance about their romantic connections, here are some signs He may be leaving. These are factors people should be closely looking for in a partner.

Choose Someone with Christ-like Characteristics

This doesn’t mean people who can walk on water or those who can turn water into wine. Instead, people should be looking for someone mature enough to completely and genuinely welcome another person in their lives. They should also look for people who can accept them for who they truly are or enforce positive changes in them.

God won’t lead His children to those who won’t truly accept and love them. Alternatively, He will find a suitable partner for them. And He will plan the perfect time for these two people to meet.

Be in a Relationship with Friendship as Its Foundation

A strong sign that God has approved of the connection if it started from a solid friendship. When both people already know each other before their friendship, this ensures a successful relationship.

One of the common reasons why couples may break up is the feeling of unfamiliarity or incompatibility. This can be solved by friendship. If two people have seen each other through ups and downs, even platonically, this will be enough to test their compatibility.

But this doesn’t mean relationships can’t happen without a solid friendship. This may only mean that this type of connection will need more effort to be as successful as the former.

Choose Someone That Changes the Other

This doesn’t mean in a preachy, ted-talk way. Instead, one will know that their partner is God-chosen if they make the other a better individual. Or if they make them want to be better. There’s no more significant relationship than one that nurtures both parties. Growing together means that they are compatible and suitable for each other.

Again, God won’t give His children partners that stunt their growth. He only wants what’s best for them. Hence, He will be giving someone that makes them better people, not the other way around.

An Answered Prayer

God listens. Even if it may feel like He isn’t doing anything, he is working to grant people’s wishes. If one believes that the person is God’s answer to their prayers, it must be a sign.