Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Sandra’s book about an introverted child shows that introverts don’t need to be forced down the path of extroversion. They can and will find suitable activities at their own pace and space. Once they do, they will thrive in those.

The world caters more to the extroverted. One might even say that it’s crafted and wired for the benefit or to fit the extroverts better.

Think about it. For one, the academic system forces students to stand up, speak their minds, and join extracurricular activities. The work system also rewards extroversion with networking as a primary source of job opportunities. Society, in general, also promotes being sociable and initiating conversations as the fundamental way of forming relationships.

The world pushes people to be extroverted rather than embracing their introversion. This culture starts way back in everyone’s childhood.

Introversion in Children

When children shy away from interactions, parents often get frustrated. They want nothing more for their children than to grow happy and surrounded by great and happy people. When their children tend to be more reserved and socially withdrawn, there’s a misconception that forming relationships becomes an impossible task.

“Why don’t you play with other children?”

“Why can’t you be more like other kids?”

More often than not, introversion gets heavily compared to extroversion. And in such equations, the former is typically seen in a negative light.

Despite the population being said to comprise a larger population of introverts, society still sees it as an oddity. People are expected to be sociable and outgoing. Hence, when children do the opposite, parents presume they need to step in and push them toward the contrary.

Encourage Not Force

Parents with introverted children commit the common mistake of pushing their children to be more sociable, active, and bold. However, they’ve failed to consider that forcing a child to be what they aren’t or do something they aren’t comfortable with will only be counter-productive.

Introverts shouldn’t be forced out of their comfort zones, as this will only make them retreat. Instead, they should be motivated to try new things to see what personally suits them.

There’s a thin line between encouragement and coercion. Parents commonly miss seeing this. They don’t need to act as their children’s decision-makers. Instead of choosing for them, parents can give their children options to try and provide them with the autonomy to choose.

A perfect material encompassing this liberty for children is in author Dr. Sandra’s book about an introverted child. She informs her readers how an introverted child was able to step out of the comfort zone of his own volition.

The character managed to find something he was confident and comfortable doing without the forceful help of anyone around him. Despite his fears and worries, he finally gained the courage to join the Spelling Bee competition after attempting various other activities. He got recognition and appreciation for his talents and wit.

Support Introverts’ Pursuits

The book shows that introverts don’t necessarily have to aim for extroversion. All they need to do is welcome their introversion, seek out activities they’re good at, and prosper doing those.

Unlike what society enforces, introverts are perfect the way they are. They can be brilliant and witty, and with the right crowd, they can be fun too. There’s no need to compare them with their extroverted counterparts since they can achieve what the others can.

This is why parents shouldn’t force change on their children.

Confidence is cultivated by believing in oneself and the potential within. Constantly comparing and pushing introverted children to be more extroverted may foster self-doubt. Besides giving these children the autonomy to pursue things they’re most comfortable with, parents should encourage them to ignore others’ opinions.

They must learn to let go of others’ expectations and reactions to grow and flourish. Introverts need only to embrace their introversion and find the activities that are suitable and perfect for them.