Marilyn Taplin broke into the Christian book marketplace in 2017 with her book A Law from Eden: Solving the Mystery of Original Sin(Archway Publishing). The book discusses the moral conditions of the world and shares insight into the mysteries of original sin, holiness, morality, and human sexuality.

In A Law from Eden, the author asserts that the sin that began in Eden is the root of all social ills.

“Christianity in the past 2000 years has not named the sin in Eden,” she said. In my lifetime, I have never heard an explanation of the sin in Eden.” 

What is the sin that began in Eden? It is oral sex. According to the author, this act of sexual perversion is “the basic, root misconduct that is the source of all the earth’s problems.”

“All the wrongs of the past, all the social ill, and sorrows we are experiencing on this earth today and will continue to experience are a result of the first sin – oral sex,” the author said. 

She advises contemporary Christians to remain chaste and avoid perverse sexual acts to bring heaven back to Earth.

Positive reviewers from book reviewers

What do book reviewers say about A Law from Eden

Ella Vincent of Pacific Book Review wrote the book is “a thought-provoking text about God and interpretations about life since Adam and Eve,” one “that will spark conversation among readers”. 

Vincent’s book review points out the author’s faith and conservative values weaving throughout her book. She wrote, “Taplin’s writing is very dedicated to her interpretation of the Bible. The text also has tables to illustrate the difference between Biblical verses that espouse traditional values and the modern interpretations of the Bible from some Christian denominations that conflict with her beliefs. She also writes in great detail about each commandment and how the Ten Commandments should be obeyed in everyday life.

“Even though Taplin has conservative views about homosexuality, she still espouses God’s open-minded attitude of love towards everyone. The book can be read in church groups or even in secular books group that want to have a debate about religion.”

Tamara South of San Francisco Book Review also wrote, “Author Marilyn Taplin makes it clear that we have two choices: God or Satan. She lets us know that there really is no middle ground…” 

South, who is a Christian, enjoyed the book. She said, “As a Christian, I can identify with all she is saying, and I appreciate that her biblical views can be controversial. I see this book as great for Bible study.

“Taplin is very descriptive and detailed, which I appreciate. She points out that to get to the right place with God, we have to return back to him we have received, and that requires looking inward at ourselves. We can no longer blame others or things for our actions. I love how she ended the book stating the Lord’s Prayer.” 

The review by Barbara Bamberger ScottforThe US Review of Books emphasized the author’s radical approach to certain biblical narratives and the effort she had put into her research. She said, “Her writing is clear and highly organized, substantiating her claim to having done assiduous research. 

Her cosmology is complex, often standing in contradiction to standard Christian theology, as when she asserts that Jesus’ life was not without wrongdoing, that his birth was ‘natural’ rather than ‘virgin,’ and that his cross should be seen not as wooden but symbolic.”

Know the author

Marilyn Taplin was a newlywed in the late 1950s when openness in the matters of sexual issues was not a part of the social order. It was a subject not openly discussed as it is today. As a young adult, she was determined to think only on positive, good, clean, and wholesome subjects. As a result, she eliminated offensive movies, books, and magazines from her life. During the sexual revolution in the 1960s, she was shocked to see the moral landscape of that day. Her first reaction was to ask, “What does God say about morality?”By publishing A Law from Eden: Solving the Mystery of Original Sin, she shares with her readers the results of years of biblical research and her understanding of God’s instruction for mankind on the subject of human sexuality.