Neil C. Griffen’s From Science to Spirituality offers fresh ideas on how Science can lead us to Spiritual Awakening, and hopefully, vice versa.
Since the early days of Christianity, science has been at odds with religion and spirituality. The clash of ideas and virtues has claimed many lives. Religion claimed blasphemy while science declared that the refusal of the church to accept scientific truths has slowed down the march of progress and denied humanity a more fulfilled existence. Throughout time, countless materials have been published attacking and discrediting each other. The church and its denominations have published books accusing science of heresy and lies while scientists especially those who have formulated various scientific postulates have always been vocal against the religion’s supposedly backward mode of thinking. Only in recent history did people witness a more toned down and considerate appraisal of each other’s worth as institutions and pillars of society. In fact, recent publications blending science with spirituality have gained increased readership over the last half of the last century. Today, we will take a look at Neil C. Griffen’s work that talks about finding spirituality in science.
One Man’s Journey From Religion to Science and then Back Again
From Science to spirituality is part-memoir, part scientific research in which Neil Griffen hopes to enlighten readers that science and religious faith and spirituality can exist in providing knowledge and wisdom to humanity. His work also challenges us to question and examine the fundamental beliefs of both institutions.
Neil Griffen shares his journey of discovering the relationship between science and spirituality and of rediscovering the fascinating process of learning and unlearning things. He invites us to see the importance of the scientific method, understanding fundamental laws and the study of the different branches of science and how they can help in our pursuit of what is true and real, whether is evolution or spiritual growth. In his book, Neil C. Griffen chronicles how the time he spent understanding religion and somehow got lost. He then dedicated his time and passion to science. It would be to his surprise that science will eventually lead him back to a more profound understanding of God and his renewed faith.
Neil Griffen’s From Science to Spirituality inspires readers to appreciate both science and religion as institutions that can bring humanity salvation and progress.
“Since then, the way we analyze how the world functions had changed dramatically. This was due to a new paradigm for investigation. It included a method for establishing what was known from that which was yet to be proven. This approach relied on the senses to gain information on what was happening. Then the mind was used to establish rules on how it worked and the principles underlying it. When first introduced, it was, of course, denounced as heresy; now the scientific process is almost universally accepted.” (excerpt From Science to Spirituality)
Neil Griffen’s astounding book covers many aspects of discussion and they all promise to further explain the relationship between science and religion and spirituality. From Science to Spirituality is a truly inspiring work of literature. Readersmagnet recommends Neil C. Griffen’s From Science to Spirituality.
About Neil Griffen
Neil C. Griffen is an author, physicist, and medium. He is from upstate New York. Neil C. Griffen obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics at Fredonia State University of New York (SUNY, NY). Neil C. Griffen went to Pennsylvania State College where he obtained a Master’s degree in Physics. Griffen also served four years in the Air Force, including a year stint in Vietnam before he went to Ohio State University. There, he obtained his Ph.D. in Physics. During his time in Ohio, Neil C. Griffen joined the First Spiritualist Church of Linden in Columbus, OH. He then served as president of the Ohio State Spiritualist Church. Neil C. Griffen also became a member of the National Board of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. Neil Griffen worked for Mettler-Toledo where he was awarded nine patents. Mr. Griffen is an awardee of ten other patents in Lakeshore Cryotronics.