A female bishop advances a crusade against violence.

Patience Okon-Ndekwe has served the Church in different capacities as a teacher, evangelist, prophetess, apostle, and bishop. She extends her Christian ministry by publishing a book, Effective Weapons to Stop Violence, Control Terrorism & Curb Conflict: Promises of Peace, National Security & Safety (Outskirts Press; 2020). The book doubles as a biblical treatise on the topic and a call to action toward peace and reconciliation.

To lead souls to Jesus Christ and prepare individuals for the works of ministry, a servant leader has to first prepare the Kingdom of God on earth – the earth riddled by sin and many different forms of violence. Bishop Patience Okon-Ndekwe wrote Effective Weapons to Stop Violence, Control Terrorism & Curb Conflict to orient believers to the topic of violence, as well as peace-building, peace offerings, and spiritual weapons against violence. It does much to address the scientific, biblical, and moral/spiritual aspects of violence. 

Defining violence in the modern context

“Violence,” said Bishop Okon-Ndekwe, “directly impedes sustainable development. It hinders economic growth, social development, and spiritual advancement. It hinders economic growth, social development, and spiritual advancement.”

Most believers, particularly those who read their Bible, know the crime of violence is a manifestation of sin and a symptom of much more. Violence has far-reaching consequences, taking many different forms. The author said, “Where violence is pervasive, deprivation and poverty increases. It traps people in it in a vicious cycle.

“It traps people in it in a vicious cycle. This diverts resources from constructive social spending to crime prevention, health repair, and damage control. Productivity is lost, educational opportunities hampered while economic development winds down. Inequalities increase, which erodes human and social assets. 

“Health-related problems have particularly far-reaching consequences such as physical and sexual abuse resulting in disabilities and psychological impairments. Violence makes victims violent. Victims may develop substance abuse and addiction problems and suffer emotional traumas. Victims of sexual violence end up with venereal diseases with various health complications.”

According to Bishop Okon-Ndekwe, violence has many names as it spills from the individual into the home and community, thus affirming that violence starts from within a person. 

  • Domestic violence
  • Social violence
  • International violence
  • Mismanagement of resources
  • Sexual orientation violence
  • Religious extremism
  • Environmental disturbances
  • Political conflicts
  • Corruption

The author also rues that “sin is celebrated in entertainment.” She said, “Unfortunately, violence is celebrated in Hollywood movies, games and in the general entertainment industry. Violent entertainment perpetuates a consciousness in killings, fights, intolerance, and mayhem, making violence palatable and consumable especially to the youth.”

Stopping violence with “Peace Offerings”

Political and military leaders try to stop violence with certain violent and non-violent tactics. Community leaders try to stop violence through social programs, such as education, sports, and mentorship. Bishop Okon-Ndekwe turns to the Bible for the “assault strategies that win wars” against violence: Peace Offerings.

The author believes one need not turn to violent tactics to stop violence, as the violence will only beget more violence. Instead, humanity can wage and win wars the peace-oriented ways as sons of God. Violence can supernaturally be cleansed by Peace Offerings. 

“Peace offerings for peace is the surest way to eliminate the animal tendencies, overcome inner chaos and treat disorders,’ says Bishop Okon-Ndekwe, who cites King Solomon as a role model for peace. “He uses the wisdom of peace-keeping surveillance to reduce animosities amongst his people, giving himself room to consult with nations internationally.” 

The author finds it impossible to remove violence physically from the world through conventional means. “To institute peace, wars must first be purchased spiritually and metaphysically.

“Innovative spiritual peacemaking techniques are the foundational solutions to take away violence.”

All-inclusive and ecumenical

Bishop Okon-Ndekwe enumerates the spiritual weapons to stop violence, control terrorism, and curb conflicts. She also acknowledges the different cultural and religious rituals and practices that could be incorporated with Christian liturgies: Eucharistic rituals, peace rituals, 

Christ’s spirituality, Christ-centered mysticism, peacemaking models, leadership training and peacemaking responsibility, and various liturgies and initiatives that invite people from all walks of like and sectors of society to come together and work toward peace, justice, healing, and reconciliation. 

Knowing Patience Okon-Ndekwe

Bishop Patience Okon-Ndekwe is a visionary, entrepreneur, and a spiritual leader ordained into the offices of the bishop, apostle, prophetess, evangelist, and teacher in the Church of Blood of Christ Temple in Oklahoma, USA. 

She is also the founder and CEO of Zions Cause Worldwide Outreach Inc. (ZCWO), which is committed to helping distressed people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually. Within the ZCWO is the Bethesda House of Mercy (BHM), a non-profit organization that embarks on orphanage projects to help abandoned orphans, semi-orphans, street and vulnerable children in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Patience Okon-Ndekwe’s book Effective Weapons to Stop Violence, Control Terrorism & Curb Conflict: Promises of Peace, National Security & Safety is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.