America Tonight with Kate Delaney features Joe Huebscher. Joe is the author of the book Agape: The Love of God.
In this 11-and-a-half minute interview, Joe Huebscher discusses his personal life, teaching career, and spiritual journey towards conceptualizing his book. In it, He imparts to listeners his journey towards spiritual healing and true happiness, and provides an in-depth analysis of his interpretation of Agape.
Early years
In this portion, Joe opens up about his early life growing up in Wisconsin among 12 children, being the second youngest. He recalls his older brothers firing guns for target practice on the rural property where they grew up, and living off the land with his family. Joe’s father was a refugee from poverty in Switzerland who was given sufficient funds to come to the United States while in his late teens, who then went to northern Wisconsin where land was cheap, a dollar an acre. A big change came to his life when the family moved to Minneapolis when he was fifteen. There he came to know the Lord and began his Bible training in college and in seminary. Since 1991 he has been teaching by invitation in various countries. In his last year of doing so he taught in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and India.
Agape: The Love of God
Shortly after he came to know the Lord, he made it his interest to figure out how to dedicate himself to the God, realizing that it is the “greatest command”- to command one’s self to love God. After seminary, he suggested this as a subject for his thesis, although he was turned down and told that subject had already been written about before. This prompted Joe to write a letter to his superiors to show them that there were no published literatures on this particular subject on any academic level, which convinced them to allow him to write his thesis.
Joe is convinced that there’s no accurate English translation for what agape really is. He describes to Kate Delaney his perceived definition of agape as giving yourself to another for their own good, and that if one cannot give themselves to God first, they cannot fully give themselves to someone else. He tells us that his book, despite being a short one, is designed to explain that agape is not equal to love in the warm, fuzzy, and emotional sense of the word. Joe tells us that in the gospel of John, God is referred to by John as being agape.
Joe’s teaching career
Joe’s tells us how his favorite place to teach always changed depending on who he was teaching rather than the environment itself, as long as people were interested in what he had to teach. He was in high school when he began teaching Sunday school class, but when he finished his college seminary degree in 1968, he began teaching the same year at a Baptist college, where he remained for 8 years. At that point Joe tells us that God spoke to him, redirecting his route to a seminary in Tennessee Temple where he taught there until 1991. He didn’t have to wait long, because the Lord always had plans in store for him. Letters and invites to teach all around the globe eventually reached Joe, as his journey diversified through the guidance of the Lord.
For more information about Joe Huebscher’s Agape: The Love of God, visit the book’s Amazon page here at
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