The Catholic Church calls for support and witnesses to the importance and sanctity of sacramental marriage and family life. We are being called to do this in unprecedented times when everything to do with family seems to be questioned and challenged. Family is clearly God-given, and that even in its most primitive form, it is a sacred unit. In today’s world, many fall short of the ideal and struggle with family life and all it entails. Nevertheless, Catholics extend their love and compassion towards other Catholics through penetrative works on the Catholic family life.
The Catholic Family Handbook by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik
Another book coming from the mind of Fr. Lawrence Lovasik is The Catholic Family Handbook. A book that hopes to bring to light the proper role of the Catholic father and mother and the blessings of family. This excellent handbook will guide you to shield your family from the growing effects of the secular culture, which destroys families and poisons relationships. Fr. Lawrence offers steps to secure happiness in marriage, develop virtues for a successful marriage, raising children following Catholic values, and much more.
Inside the Catholic Family by Fr. Francis Peffley
From the author of An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith comes another compelling read, Inside the Catholic Family: Reflections of a Parish Priest. Fr. Francis Peffley’s recent work targets Catholic families facing great threats brought by the modern world. He highlights how the faith and love of families are slowly distorted from that of the Word of God. He brings a timely discussion on how Catholic families can deepen their understanding of God’s teachings and strengthen the foundations of faith—deliberately intertwining poems and stories of faith to tackle many vital issues, including marriage, parenting, and Catholic values. Inside the Catholic Family will show you how to respond appropriately and counteract the the poisons of faith. An encouraging guide for all couples and families striving for holiness in this turbulent age.
Family Consecration to Jesus through Mary by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle walks you through the simple process of consecrating children, thereby defending them from evil and paving their way to heaven in her latest book Family Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Donna-Marie share’s the sentiments and warnings of Saint Faustina to parents about praying for their children. These informed pages give detailed instructions to help all members of the family—young and old—to consecrate their lives to Jesus through Mary today. Family Consecration to Jesus through Mary features 33 mini-retreat activities from the mind of Saint Louis de Montfort. These brief daily spiritual exercises and family activities will bring adults and children greater knowledge of Jesus through Mary and a more genuine love of both figures.
The Family God Uses by Tom Blackaby
Tom Blackaby’s The Family God Uses performs as a tool to bring back families together that have been divided between generations. This catalyzes thinking related to how one can begin to see family in the same way God does. Tom employs numerous personal experiences for practical approaches to fight the devil’s attempts to divide families forever. Moreover, the stories and tales of families will inspire your family to see the possibilities of what can happen when seeking the Lord together.
Discernment of Spirits in Marriage by Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Fr. Timothy Gallagher presents insightful wisdom in determining what God is and what is not while showing you how the enemy works to discourage spousal interactions daily. Discernment of Spirits in Marriage will help with spousal spiritual growth and marital bond. This short and concise read offers solid examples that illustrate Saint Ignatius’s Rules within the vocation of marriage that will lead husband and wife into deeper conversations. Fr. Timothy will take you deep into your relations with each other and with God. Discernment of Spirits in Marriage will definitely put things into perspective in the union of a Catholic couple becoming one family.