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The unfolding of true self is the most unanticipated form of awareness, especially when it’s not from you but from others.

When we hear ‘unfolding of true self,’ what instantly pops up in our minds is that it’s a kind of self-awareness. Take the word, ‘self’ out of the context and that’s what we’re about to delve into—awareness. By awareness, it implies acknowledging the transformation or change of a particular person. Diving deeper, it welcomes the unexpected turn from an individual whose goodness is not expected.

Along our journey in life, we meet new and different people almost every day, and sometimes, there are situations in which we can’t help but judge someone. Perhaps we view a person, and they seem to appear negative and unfavorable. Internally, in our minds, we deem them ‘bad.’

The Black Shadow Book Series, authored by Count S. A. Olson, is a thrilling collection of stories that will leave you questioning and on the edge of your seat. The story centers around Jason Black, a half-daemon detective whose goodness we never expected. In each Black Shadow Book Series, Jason Black, who possesses a keen ability to bring justice to the victims of heinous crimes, is hired to solve a seemingly unsolvable mystery that combines elements of supernatural fantasy and hard-boiled noir detective fiction.

In this book series, we can catch a glimpse of how a half-daemon detective who apparently holds a bad reputation is committed to doing good. This is quite an unpredictable turn—the unfolding of true self.

Immediately Judging Someone ‘Bad’

There are numerous reasons why some people judge others and instantly assert that this particular someone they meet is a bad person. Perhaps it could be that they had a bad first encounter with the person. Or they saw them make a mistake once, and right away, they regarded them as evildoers. There’s also a possibility that they had known that person but never really got to associate deeply with them. 

It could be that this person just walked into the room with a hoodie on, head down, hands inside the pockets, and you can have the ability to deem them as, ‘Oh, this guy is a bad person.’

Understanding in a Different Perspective

The idea of judging someone, especially instantly, without actually knowing and understanding the person’s side is invalid and unjustified. The immediate damnation we hail upon someone with only the consideration of our own judgment hinders that person from proving their point. 

The thing is, we should not be biased in how we perceive things. The unexpected twist of fate happens in the most unpredictable moments. We shouldn’t close off the good the other person has done. We didn’t even let them prove they’re innocent. Actually, there’s no need to prove anything. 

The Big Reveal: Unfolding the Unanticipated

That’s why most of us are taken aback when the person we deem bad does good and is actually a good person. Although we can’t judge a person to be either good or bad because we are not in the position to, we can consider his actions. Perhaps the notion that people are not inherently bad or good, but rather their actions can be categorized as such, suggests that individuals possess the capacity for both positive and negative behavior. 

This idea implies that moral judgments should be based on a person’s actions rather than their intrinsic nature and that individuals can make choices that determine the goodness or badness of their character.

If you’re a fan of gripping mysteries and supernatural tales, then the Black Shadow Book Series by Count S. A. Olson is a must-read! Read and grab a copy now by visiting the author’s website at