Photo by L N

Scientists take advantage of technological innovations and the uses of nanobots today, bringing new discoveries and ideas to create even more useful and impactful scientific breakthroughs.

With discoveries and breakthroughs in recent years, we are still far from finding the definite cure to cancer or mapping out the entirety of our planet. Before the public knowledge about nanotechnology, nanobots were first introduced in fiction. It’s one of those breakthroughs that came from science fiction to reality. There are still some science fiction that use nanotechnology as a tool for their characters and their plot.

Angel of ImmortalityDefender of Life by David Witherington Stewart (Psychic Redemption and Serious Consequences) is an example of a science fiction that makes use of knowledge about nanotechnology and how one can possibly use it. The story follows a scientist about to stop the bad guys from misusing her nanobots that could incorporate themselves to give rise to continent-sized xenoborgs.

In the real world, nanotechnology is used in medicine and science. Here are the best applications and uses of nanobots today:

Drug Administration

Nanobots are now used to administer drugs to patients who would need the specific substance in their bloodstream right away. With nanobots, doctors can deliver the drug by injecting it into patients’ bloodstream to travel into the specified target inside the body. With this, treatment becomes easier and more effective. The doctors can also use the microchipped nanobots to monitor the vital signs of the patient.

Tumor Inhibition

Nanorattles, a type of nanobot or nanoparticle, is a particle with a spherical shell. Nanorattles are used in vivo therapy and treatment against tumors. Scientists use these nanoparticles to monitor the systematic toxicity of drugs administered for growing tumors. With this, doctors and scientists can check on how drugs affect cancerous tumors in the body, and how to treat them properly.


The field of nanodiagnostics uses biosensor technology to help identify and analyze specific molecules in the body. Nanobots or nanoparticles that behave as biosensors have biochemical receptors that help sense different substances that mix with bodily fluids. Furthermore, nanobots are important in identifying harmful substances or certain amounts of toxins in the body.


Nanobots are promising scientific breakthroughs as they can be administered by injecting them into the bloodstream. With this, nanoparticles specialized in diagnosing certain diseases can provide information to medical professionals with minimal errors.

Quantum Dots

Quantum dots are nanobots or nanoparticles used as trackers for specific molecules inside a patient. Using UV rays, medical professionals can easily view specific groups of proteins or tumors.

Possibility of Regeneration

You might have seen some science fiction films where characters use nanobots to regenerate specific parts of the body. The field of regenerative medicine actually has opened its doors to service the future of humans. Currently, regenerative medicine, with the help of nanotechnology, cultivates and regenerates vital body parts using pluripotent stem cells and their ability to differentiate and become other forms of cells that give the body its structures.

Prevention of Diseases

Because nanobots and nanotechnology are opening so many possible things in the field of medicine, medical professionals are finding ways to prevent other diseases. Moreover, nanoparticles are now easily injected into the bloodstream without causing too much reaction in our bodies. This possibility can help prevent diseases from taking over specific parts of the body, such as the arteries and the heart.

Since nanobots are tools for medical and technological breakthroughs, medical and scientific professionals can help treat a patient from the inside without the need for major surgeries.

Other Uses

Nanotechnology is widely used in the laboratory to study different diseases and experiments. Some of the best applications of nanobots are the following:

  • Nerve treatments
  • Nanocapsules
  • Nanotubes
  • Nanowires
  • Nanosomes
  • Vaccinations

Nanobots, from science fiction to reality, have always made an impact on the world.