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Authors naturally dabble on consequential issues that impact the world. But in writing about sensitive topics, how do they tread within respectful territories?

Growing up, readers may commonly be exposed to stories that include damsels needing rescuing or princes and princesses falling in love, all leading to happy endings. However, as these audiences grow older, it becomes more apparent that reality doesn’t work like that. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, nor is it always filled with happiness laced in prose and poetry. The world can be bleak. It’s harsh and biting, pervaded with cynical occurrences that must be addressed, examined, and divulged.

Hence, the more people are exposed to these harsh realities, the less fond they become of primarily mystical narratives, closer to fiction than factual.

They may still look for fairytales when they need a little pick-me-up. But when reality has settled, and pernicious positivity has dwindled, readers often search for what captures the world’s authenticity. They become more connected to what’s genuinely happening, gathering insights on significant matters rather than seeking solace in escapism.

Why Authors Veer Towards Writing About Sensitive Topics?

Everett Wait Sr. is an author who has numerous books under his name. From fantasy to comedy, he has dipped his pen into multiple genres and dabbled into writing about sensitive topics. Showcasing his prowess over the latter, Everett Wait Sr. published Playing a Dangerous Game, a story about chasing justice after a sexual harassment accusation.

Although presented as a fictional thriller, the story also earnestly discusses the gravity of harassment, an ever-pressing and prevalent issue in today’s society. It reflects how such misdemeanors impact victims and how they can influence their lives. The book is an intelligent way of diplomatically examining these, showing the horrors of what happens when such circumstances victimize people. Everett Wait Sr. presents the importance of writing about sensitive topics, especially in an imperfect society.

Most mature readers prefer emotional themes that draw out strong reactions from them. Commonly weaved into these narratives are pieces that make them feel heard and seen, storylines that persuade them to reflect and ponder on the intricacies of life. Sometimes, giving readers a ride through hell and back makes reading more exciting and gratifying. It’s through these extreme highs and lows that readers better appreciate the beauty of literature and the lessons conveyed within their pages.

Hence, rather than sticking with primarily elating and oversimplified storylines, most authors prefer writing about sensitive topics that allow more space for thought and deliberation.

In Essence, What Are These Topics, and How Are They Developed?

Writing about sensitive topics means utilizing delicate concepts that leave a more profound impact on readers. Although they can be triggering, they are inspirational and life-changing, depending on how they’re tackled. Layered within these novels are wise and profound lessons readers can gain and apply in real life. This is precisely what makes this practice valuable in literature.

After all, beyond a means of expressing their creativity and imagination, authors write to convey messages they believe society will benefit the most from. Entwined within their narratives are lessons they wish to impart that may not be effectively delivered unless they’re splashed with some angst and drama. Writing about sensitive topics may seem like a dramatic way of enhancing their narratives, but it’s critical to incorporate morals and wisdom in literature.

Utilizing these themes ensures such pressing issues remain relevant regardless of time. These continuously create dialogue that heartens readers to discuss and explore these subjects. Hence, their presence in literature isn’t the only thing that matters. Instead, how they’re tackled also affects how effectively they leave an imprint on readers’ minds.

Authors must ensure they aren’t sugarcoating these matters when writing about sensitive topics. Regardless of what genre they’re writing, these themes should be discussed with rawness and honesty. They should be written exactly how they occur in real life so they’re realistic and not merely an adornment to the story. When writing about these topics, they should be approached authentically to produce powerful materials.