Photo by Meruyert Gonullu

What makes children’s fantasy books appealing? How come their stories help kids escape reality, even for a moment?

It’s easy for children to get lost in a world filled with magical creatures and fun adventures. Children are at a stage where they’re looking for ways to keep themselves enthralled in a fictional world. Most often, it can be more fun to imagine than physically playing in the park.

Children’s fantasy books tend to be divisive regarding their general content. Realism is better for serious education, especially for young, developing children. Books that tickle their complex thinking will surely keep them entertained.

There’s a different level of comfort that fantasy books provide. The way these stories defy the natural laws of reality makes children believe that anything can happen. At the stage where they purely crave constant exploration, fantasy books are there to make their childhood more meaningful.

Kids learn a lot of moral lessons from these books.

At a young age, children already have a grasp on morality, even for a little bit. Where do they get that from? How are they so aware of real-life issues when parents typically shield them from that one?

Though their perception of morality is vague, kids have a good sense of right and wrong. And in terms of teaching a moral lesson, fables are most known for that. Books like short stories for Kids with Morals by Nopson contain eleven short levels that provide moral sermons that the young generation will surely enjoy.

Children’s fantasy books usually feature characters that readers can look up to. Their kindness, perseverance, and dreams of a brighter world serve as a good example.

These books exercise the gears of children’s imagination.

There’s no stopping a child from their imaginative minds. It’s an aspect that elevates the experience of reading children’s fantasy books. Besides tickling their excitement, kids find comfort in reading about magical creatures that triumph throughout the story.

Nothing beats a good exaggeration; fantasy books catered to children prove that. Silliness and amusement are all part of a normal childhood, and these fictional stories are the perfect mix of unrealistic yet mundane moments that somehow happen in real life.

Non-fiction and informative books may benefit your children, but that doesn’t mean fantasy books are not educational. With regular reading, kids are primarily engulfed in an imaginary world and still grasp new things relevant to reality.

Kids become more adept at problem-solving.

As youngsters hone their imagination, it enhances their capacity to develop solutions when problems arise. Remember that this will be an advantage as they age, and having them read children’s fantasy books can be a great start.

For example, Ruth Nopson’s short story collection represents different facets of life. Each level features a prominent issue that every main character must solve to become better and wiser. Children’s literature is not purely fun, which leaves a hollow impression on readers.

It would take careful observation to notice children’s books’ academic and practical lessons. Not only do kids have to be book smart, but they would also thrive further if they were valuable. And indeed, children’s fantasy books are capable of making kids smarter.

Reading fantasy literature makes them more analytical.

Children are naturally sharp and observant. However, it can be enhanced by making them read age-appropriate fantasy books. They let kids dive deep into analyzing every character, from the surface to the depths of who they are.

Character analysis needs to be honed early on. By reading fantasy books, especially the popular classics we all know and love, we can get a good grasp on characters in general. This skill will be advantageous to them in their further studies.

They also profoundly dive into each character and learn to make parallels between reality and fiction. In the case of non-fiction, children can make simple assumptions and take them at surface value. However, with fiction, they get to put the puzzle pieces together. Particularly characters and situations that were merely built from another person’s imagination.

Children’s fantasy books help improve reading comprehension.

Books are great at enhancing the cognitive skills of children. Fantasy books, however, have a magnetic pull on a child’s imagination. When they don’t feel restricted by the confines of reality, the magical worlds of fiction open a door for their minds to be free.

Whatever the benefits, children’s fantasy books bring more complexity than what meets the eye. It’s a form of media that is informative, accessible, and overall entertaining. So if you’re wondering what children’s fictional literature can do for you, try reading them the collection of short stories by Ruth Nopson.