Being your own boss can be a fantastic adventure, giving you opportunities for self-discovery.

Life moves fast. You have errands to run, work, and commitments to uphold. Learning how to begin self-discovery could be the last thing on your mind. Your busy routines rarely give you time to consider what kind of life you want. Do you reflect on who you are while standing in line at the grocery store? Most likely, no. Finding the space to discover and become your most authentic self can be challenging. However, there are endless benefits that make taking the time worth it.

If you are wondering how to begin self-discovery, know that the first step is committing. Your journey will require you to focus, take action, and prioritize your needs. Remember, you must put in the work to make a change. 

Ready to find out how to begin your self-discovery journey? Start by reading Alma Lightbody’s thought-provoking book for self-discovery. 

You’re Not The Boss Of Me: Discover Your Authentic Self 

As people age and grow from the time they are born, they become pulled into the net of should, don’t, and cant. People lose their true nature as the picture of their personalities is painted by others. At some point, you must take back your life and awaken the possibilities long buried. In You’re Not the Boss of Me, author Alma C. Lightbody provides a one-step-at-a-time guide to help you see your life from a new perspective.

Using personal examples from her own life, Lightbody shows her readers how to take responsibility for their choices, find the truth about what matters to them, and stand up for their beliefs. This manual presents definitions and information about how influences from various stages in your life imprint and mold your personality and discusses how your body speaks to and communicates with you. It can also help you understand the energetic and physical systems that support you and guide you through the charts of possibilities.

Relatively, You’re Not the Boss of Me leads you to think your own opinions and thoughts to help you be happy and healthy. 

Author’s Profile

Alma Lightbody is introspective but a very busy Gemini of the Astrological Zodiac and a Rooster of the Chinese Horoscope.

She loved school and learning and has continued on an educational path with various degrees in medicine and business. She also has books full of management, sales, and spiritual certificates – always searching for answers – to something new. Alma traveled around the world in her youth and has also traveled a lot in business. Most of her travel has been on a spiritual quest in the last half of her life.

Further, Alma has had numerous relationships, often unsatisfactory but now very fulfilling. She learned what she was looking for in others was what she needed to know about herself.

On the other hand, her birth name, LIGHTBODY, in, is described as a cheerful person or a busy, active one. In the Spiritual world, LIGHTBODY is the Luminous body – the Auric field that fills and holds humans. In Spanish, her first name, ALMA, means Soul.

Alma shared that years ago, a psychic told her that she would only be clear about her life purpose once she reached the age of fifty. That made no sense to her at the time, but she did file it somewhere in her mental archives, and it simmered there for several years – and so it is! The life that Alma had been living was setting the groundwork for what she was to become. She is a healer, a medicine woman, a consultant, a therapist, and an author. Her purpose is to heal others and, more importantly, help them heal themselves.