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Supporting widowed friends is very important because losing a spouse is a catastrophic experience regardless of whether it happens progressively or suddenly.

Jamie Pulos-Fry, author of Widow’s Cry, shares the pain of those who have been widowed. Widow’s Cry is a book for widow ministries that helps those recently widowed process their grief and pain healthily. It also helps them get close to God and rely on His strength during a time full of despair.

But how can we help our widowed friends with their grieving process? How can we make the situation more bearable for them? We’ll look at some methods we can all use to aid our widowed loved ones.

1. Be There for Them

Being alone is one of the most challenging transitions for a widow. She is constantly reminded of how she lived before the loss. Thoughts like “The routines are all broken” or “It’s so quiet here” seep into her mind like a bacteria or virus breaking through the blood-brain barrier.

Everybody will have distinct requirements when it comes to peacefully accepting death. However, having a pal remain with you for a bit is frequently highly appreciated.

2. Start by Approaching With Gentleness and Remember: Grieving is a Long Process

Mailing a card is a terrific place to start if you’re unprepared to provide direct assistance. Writing a few words is frequently more straightforward than speaking them aloud. Sending a card will show your friend that you are constantly thinking of her. The tiniest actions can bring a great deal of comfort.

Whatever assistance you provide, remember that everyone experiences a different level of grief over the passing of a spouse and that it takes time. Don’t pass judgment, and don’t presume your friend will handle grief like you do. Some people prefer to be alone, while others prefer to be near others.

The secret is to pay close attention to the nuances that will reveal what your pal needs by listening intently. Allow them to lead, and don’t be shocked if what they require changes daily. Simply being there for them is one of the best ways of supporting widowed friends, both now and in the future.

3. Make an Effort to Find the Proper Words to Use

Even though they are simple to say, platitudes are seldom beneficial. It won’t make your friend feel better to tell them their partner is in better circumstances. Insuring them that somebody will find another person or that everything occurs for a reason would not help.

Furthermore, it is improper to imply that you share their suffering. Everyone feels sorrow differently, regardless of whether you have experienced a comparable loss. Despite having good intentions, these words frequently cause more damage than good.

To help, you can use Jamie Pulos-Fry’s book, Widow’s Cry: a book for widow ministries, to help you find better ways to support widowed friends. In this situation, the best thing to do is to focus on listening and being proactive when offering help.

4. Supporting Widowed Friends Can Be Inticing Them to Get Out of the House

Your acquaintance might gain a lot from leaving the house alone, whether or not she has children. Being in a house filled with memories can be challenging. Getting out and having new experiences or a change of scenery might offer the valuable distraction they need.

Going out also prevents a newly widowed person from being isolated, which is frequently problematic. She can be gently reminded that there is still a lot the world has to offer by accepting an invitation to coffee, a movie, or a walk.

Being widowed is something that no one should ever experience. However, life can, at times, be cruel. But that doesn’t mean we should hate it. As a friend of a widow, we should remind widows how beautiful life is and help them keep the memory of their loved ones who passed away live on.

Get a copy of Jamie Pulos-Fry’s book, Widow’s Cry: a book for widow ministries, by clicking here, so you can start supporting widowed friends!