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There are many tips to avoid dementia that not a lot of people know about, and we hope that in this article, people can be introduced to some of them.
Warren A. Patton, author of Dementia Help Guide Vol 1, is well aware of how painful having someone you love suffers from dementia. Aside from that, he’s also showing some very early signs of dementia himself, which he admittedly feels worried about.
Living with vanishing memories is totally disorienting, and they can be frustrating, too. So today, we’ll be taking a look at some tips that will help all of us lower our risk of getting the terrible disease.
Tip #1: Utilize the First Dementia Prevention Technique of Being Physically Active
Regular exercisers have lower risks of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke—all conditions linked to dementia. Additionally, blood is pumped to the brain during physical exercise, providing oxygen and nourishment to the brain’s cells. Frequent exercise also aids in lowering stress and elevating mood.
Engaging in physical activity can lower these dementia risk factors:
- High blood pressure
- Lack of physical activity
- High cholesterol
- Depression
- Diabetes
Five ways you can avoid dementia by starting the process of being physically active:
1. Set realistic goals and start where you can.
2. Consider it “activity” rather than “exercise.”
3. After you get the ball rolling, try to get in at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-to-intense exercise.
4. Think about doing more aerobic types of activities.
5. Arrange your exercise regimen with a familiar person.
Tip #2: Prevent Dementia by Remaining to Be Socially Active
Maintaining social connections facilitates mental connectivity. Regular social interaction may help lower your risk of dementia, according to research. Keeping a vibrant social life can also help you feel less stressed, happier, and maintain healthy relationships.
Warren A. Patton suggests that engaging in social activities can lower these dementia risk factors:
- Social isolation
- Depression
Five ways that will help you be socially active and keep at it:
1. Talk to people whenever you get the chance.
2. Do something nice for someone and practice random acts of kindness.
3. Find a cause you care about and get involved.
4. Go to a game, join a club, or take a class with friends.
5. Stay in touch with the people you already know, and make new friends.
Out of all the tips to avoid dementia out there, this one is probably the trickiest. Why? On the one hand, it’s easy to fall into the thought that since it’s not physically taxing, senior citizens would find it easier to do.
However, suppose you take into consideration that dementia can make it very hard to socialize (many people are introverts by nature, after all). In that case, you fall into this conundrum where people end up being the opposite of sociable.
Tip #3: Follow a Healthy Diet You Love to Eat
Eating a nutritious diet reduces the risk of contracting diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Dementia is predisposed to several disorders.
Making healthy food choices not only enhances your overall health but also fights cognitive decline over time by preserving brain function.
Doing so could help lower your risk of becoming one of the many stories and memoirs about Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Maintaining a healthy diet can lower these dementia risk factors:
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- High alcohol consumption
Five ways that will get you started on the path of eating healthily:
1. Reduce your intake of meat, processed foods, and sweets.
2. Savor a range of dishes that come in a multitude of colors (i.e., white, tan, brown, red, green, orange, yellow, purple, and blue).
3. Look for nutritious ways to enhance the flavor of your food.
4. Be aware of your eating habits (both good and bad).
5. Practice the art of planning meals in advance.
Go on and Take Advantage of These Tips to Avoid Dementia Today
We hope that you found this article helpful and that you’ve gained some knowledge from it. Dementia is no joke, so if you want to reduce you, and your loved one’s, risk of getting it, then we highly suggest taking note of these tips.
You can also do research about it so that you can gain additional and useful information about dementia. Warren A. Patton’s book, Dementia Help Guide Vol 1, is a great source of information written in a way that normal readers like us could understand.
Visit Warren’s website and buy his book today so that you can start arming yourself with the knowledge to understand dementia!
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